Saturday 4 June 2011

Press Gang

Messin' about in boats is pretty cool. You see the world from a different perspective. You experience nature at a different pace. You're ass will probably get damp too.

Once again we took to the rivers and lakes of Hauglandsdalen, this time a flotilla of two. Low clouds and greyness waved us off from the dock.

But it couldn't keep us down. Swallows, wagtails, ducks, butterflies, tadpoles and bugs kept us fascinated and enthralled as we explored. The day brightened. We brewed fresh cups of tea and everything was good.

We hauled out at the furthest point and set about grilling. More cups of tea and banter. Times past, times to come. Things have changed since last we were here and things will change again. The hills and mountains around us reminded us that we are merely passing through.

Fuelled on grilled meat snacks we played in the tails of some minor rapids. The white water further up looked fun. Another time with a different crew maybe.

There was time for one more stop. Yet more tea, this time of the afternoon variety. There was dainty cake too. It was all terribly fucking civilised.

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