Monday 16 February 2009

Get it while you can

Mercury is rising. The days of sunny sub-zero days are at an end for now. It's been good while it lasted but it's time to step back and let nature takes it's cyclic-course once again.

I had one last chance. One more day in the hills before most of the snow is taken away from me.

I also made a solemn oath never to venture up to the Storfjellet plateau without some kind of artificial flotation devices strapped to my feet. The snow up there will be sticking around for a few more months and I'm getting tired of battling with hip deep snow. I was the only person on the hill that day who wasn't on skis or snowshoes. Next time I go up there I will be floating on planks of sandwiched wood and carbon fibre.

The descent off the plateau was hairy. The tracks and paths were completely obliterated by the last snowfall and despite thinking I knew this part of the hill like the back of my hand I discovered I didn't. Thankfully I found some ski tracks after a while and then more and more until I found the notch in the ridge I was looking for.

Goodbye for now snow. See you again soon.

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