Saturday, 4 October 2008

The Aftermath

A pair of XA XCRs, a pair of 10 year old Berghaus boots and a pair of ID gaiters in the sink. Two pairs of troos , a pair of wind shirts, one pair of gloves and a hat on the floor. All covered with mud. All much needed and gratefully used up on the hill this afternoon when it hailed and the wind nearly blew M over. It was cold, wet and windy. We had a great time.


Nielsen Brown said...

I love my ID gaiters, even though they are very yellow.

Martin Rye said...

Sounds like Norway can be as hard as nails. Best bit you had fun despite the weather. That is the way it should be.

Joe Newton said...

Nielsen - This was the first time I'd used my ID gaiters and they worked a treat. Kept all the crap out of XAs and left my feet dry and warm all afternoon.

Martin - Absolutely. M was a bit dubious as we left our apartment and climbed up the hill into the clouds but after half an hour she got warmed up and we had a whale of a time splashing through the gloop, sheltering from the hail, snacking on chocolate peanuts and keeping the pace high to keep warm! Check out my post this morning to see what happened next....