"Hello Mr Snow. Where have you been? I thought I saw you around town the past few weeks but you kept disappearing". "Hey Joe, yeah, sorry about that. I've been kinda busy bringing joy and frustration in equal measure across the Northern Hemisphere but I'm here now. Hopefully I'll stick around. I'm a little thin right now but not for long". "Yeah, I noticed! That scary 'buzzz!' where some hidden debris catches my fishscales and nearly sends me flying! It was good to see you piled up in the corners though".
"Hey Mr Skis! Good to see you! Where have you been?!". "Locked up in that dark cloakroom, covered in dirty wax from that last trip in April when you forgot your skins and tried to get by with clister!". "Oh yeah! I forgot about that! Sorry, I should have cleaned you off before putting you away for the summer". "No worries, it's good that we're out together again".
"Whoa! Abductors! Adductors! Abdominals! Deltoids! Where have you guys been for the past eight months?!". "We've been severely underused since April and to register our protest we're gonna be breaking your balls for a few days so you don't forget to stretch us out! Capiche?". "Ha ha! Yeah, I guess I had that one coming. Sorry. Can we work out together again?". "I don't see why not. It'll do us both the world of good".
(This post is brought to you courtesy of lactic acid, smiles, memories, dreams and brown cheese. It was my first time on skis for 8 months. The images were taken on my battered old Sony Ericsson phone and I apologise for their quality)
"Locked up in that dark cloakroom, covered in dirty wax from that last trip in April when you forgot your skins and tried to get by with clister!"
Sam - not my greatest moment...
Nice shots from a cell phone! I've never skied at night, but that lighted ski trail looks inviting.
Dan - thanks, and that's despite the lens being covered with finger-prints and pocket fluff!
That ski trail is a five minute walk from my house. As soon as there is enough snow on it to ski I promise myself I'll ski on it everyday.
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