Monday 10 November 2008

Hail to the King!

A slightly mis-timed Sunday afternoon hike towards Storfjellet ('The Big Hill' - 623m) resulted in us being chased off the hills by malevolent darkness and murderous hail storms. We'd had a good few hours up in the clouds, each of us lost in our own tunnel-vision existence inside our hoods. Then someone turned down the dimmer and switched the hail on to 'Stun'. No dishonour in retreating. Although we were largely dry and warm (M loving her merino longs and Rab troos) we both agreed that proper winter gloves are needed from now on! The top photo was taken at 4.30pm on the ski trail, heading home, fantasising of Shepherd's Pie. The photo below was taken at 7.30pm. Good times.


Nielsen Brown said...

No snow, no hail and not much rain where I was over the weekend. Oh and no Shepherds pie either but your looks great.

Joe Newton said...

We seem to be getting all the weather at the moment. Today I managed to squeeze in a morning trail run in the forest between waves of hail and rain. During my run it was warm and I ran downhill towards a rainbow and bright sunshine. Beautiful. Thankfully there was left-over Shepherds Pie in the fridge when I got home! This was my first attempt at Shepherds Pie and it was delicious!